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Categoria: Info | Ultimo Aggiornamento: 25/05/04 |
Inviato da: PierPaolo Sichera | Visite: 17046 |
Roberto Vergani | 25/05/04 00:00:00 |
E' possibile anche semplicemente eseguendo questo method, destinato agli sviluppatori, che forza l'upgrading dei clients alla prima connessione; va eseguito prima di compilare. In ambiente client-server eseguire sul server (modifica 4D4D della struttura non del client, obbliga tutti i clients ad adeguarsi). Chi sviluppa su 4D e poi apre con 4D server, puo' lanciarlo in locale prima di traferire la struttura. ` Method Upgrading_Signature ` customize Upgrading Signature resource ` by Roberto Vergani 04 gen 2001 ` Force the upgrade of .res local files on clients, ` launch this method from User environment before compiling ` setting "To be executed:" to "on 4D Server". ` FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY ` (the author provides no warranty of any sort) C_BLOB($BlobData) C_LONGINT($vSignature) Case of : (Compiled application) BEEP ALERT("This procedure is not allowed to users (aborted).") : (Application type=4D Client ) BEEP ALERT("This procedure must be executed on the Server (aborted).") Else $vResRef:=Open resource file(Structure file) If (OK=0) BEEP ALERT("### ERROR The resource cannot be open.") Else GET RESOURCE("4D4D";0;$BlobData;$vResRef) If (OK=0) BEEP ALERT("### ERROR The resource cannot be read.") Else $vSignature:=BLOB to longint($BlobData;Macintosh byte ordering ) PLAY("Many";0) CONFIRM("Structure file upgrading."+Char(13)+"Current signature is "+String($vSignature)+", upgrading to "+String($vSignature+1)+"?") If (OK=1) $vSignature:=$vSignature+1 SET BLOB SIZE($BlobData;0) `clear the BLOB LONGINT TO BLOB($vSignature;$BlobData;Macintosh byte ordering ) SET RESOURCE("4D4D";0;$BlobData;$vResRef) If (OK=0) BEEP ALERT("### ERROR The resource cannot be written.") End if End if End if CLOSE RESOURCE FILE($vResRef) If (OK=1) ALERT("Done.") End if End if End case |
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