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Titolo: Laurent Ribardière ringrazia i beta tester 2004

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 16/09/04 17:09:39

Riporto il messaggio postato sul forum privato dei beta tester della 2004, con ringraziamento per i programmatori che si sono evidenziati nello sforzo comune.. dove ci siamo anche noi italiani!

To All,

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you who helped us build the richest release of 4th Dimension ever. The beta-test was also one the longest and you did a tremendous job testing the numerous features we added in this release. We know that despite all the work done problems may still arise and we are ready to fix them and deliver an even better version with 4D 2004.1. Our work is not over, it has just reached another dimension.

We really want to thank you all and to reward some of you from all around the world for the great help you gave us throughout the last few months.

The gold medal will go to Milan Adamov from Serbia,
The silver Medal goes to Dave Batton representing USA (and Italia at this time of year)
Three bronze medals will be awarded to :
- Peter Hay from far away (i.e. New Zealand !)
- Michael Kaye from United Kingdom
- Bertrand Soubeyrand from France (No french anthem will be played tonight )

Those medalists will each receive a 4D 2004 Developer Edition license very soon.
We would like to express our thanks to ten others who also helped us tremendously. We will send them a 256MB USB key as a token of our gratitude

Here is the list (in alphabetical order) :
- David Adams
- Thibaud Arguillere
- Antonio Doria
- Jorg Eiring
- Danis Giorgiadis
- Jeffrey Kain
- Rob Lavaux
- Umberto Migliore
- Peter Schumacher
- Larry White

Finally we'd like to thank everyone again. Working together has been rewarding for us and we hope that you felt the process was worthwhile and helpful in ensuring that 4th Dimension 2004 is a great release.

With our heartfelt Thanks
Laurent Ribardière

Inviato da: Umberto Migliore


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